How to sell NFT in bulk

If you would like to list multiple NFTs for sale in one batch on the Tabi marketplace, follow the steps below to do that.

Step 1:

Start by clicking on your avatar (shown below). Then click on My Items to visit your dashboard on the marketplace.

Step 2:

Tap on the Bulk List button to select the NFTs you want to list all at once, and click Next

Step 3:

On the Listing page, set the selling price, creator fee, order duration, and the options to make the NFTs for purchase on Opensea and Element.

After that, click the List Now button. Metamask prompts will pop up on your screen requesting you to click on the Approve and Confirm buttons for authorizations to have the selected NFTs listed. Click the keys.

You will also be prompted to sign the transactions. Scroll to the bottom of the prompt dialogue box and click the Sign key.

Provided you have sufficient BNB for gas fees, the NFTs will be successfully listed.

Step 4:

Click on Check My Listings to view the listed NFTs.

You can also return to your personal dashboard and view your listed items directly under the Listing tab.

Last updated